Fall Colours in the Nursery

Bittersweet Vine Leaves

Bittersweet Vine

Burning Bush Leaves

Burning Bush in the landscape

Crimson Queen Japanese Maple Leaves

Acer palmatum dissectum ‘Crimson Queen’

Emperor I Japanese Maple Leaves

Acer palmatum ‘Emperor I

Fall Fiesta Maple Leaves

Fall Fiesta Maple
We are pleased to present a stunning visual tour of our Nursery in October. Please come back often as we will be adding our staff favorites as the season progresses.

‘Gingerbread’ Paperbark Maple Leaves

Gingerbread Paperbark Maple

Grace Smoke Bush Leaves

‘Grace’ Smoke Bush

‘Greenspire’ Linden Tree Leaves

‘Greenspire’ Linden Tree

Liquidamber Leaves


‘Little Twist’ Fl. Cherry Leaves

‘Little Twist’ Flowering Cherry

‘Osakazuki’ Japanese Maple Leaves

Acer palmatum ‘Osakazki’

Pink Flowering DogwoodTree Leaves

Cornus florida ‘rubra’ Pink Flowering Dogwood

Northern Red Oak Leaves

Northern Red Oak Tree

Rudbeckia Flower


Staghorn Sumac Leaves

Staghorn Sumac

Stewartia Leaves


Viburnum Mariesii Leaves

Viburnum Mariesii

Vitifolium Japanese Maple Leaves

Acer palmatum ‘Vitifolium’

Fothergilia Leaves

Karl Forester Grass Plumes

Karl Forster Grass
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